Tingting BRENGELMANN, Francesco CANGEMI & Martine GRICE: Tonal coarticulation in German learners of Standard Chinese
Marc BRUNELLE: Is there any evidence for intonational tones in Southern Vietnamese
Francesco CANGEMI, HA Kieu-Phuong, Christian WEITZ & Martine GRICE: Speaker-specific use of intonational cues for sentence modality and affect contrasts in Standard Vietnamese
Sarah DUONG PHU: Discontinuous noun phrases in Vietnamese
James KIRBY & Bob LADD: Singing in tone: text-setting constraints in tone languages
LE Thi Xuyen: Expressive prosody in Vietnamese
MAC Dang Khoa: Vietnamese social affects: expression and perception
Andrea Hoa PHAM: Sound changes and Vietnamese syllabic structure
TRAN Thuy Hien: A word prosodic structure study in Vietnamese spontaneous speech: Some thoughts on the monosyllabic status of Vietnamese
Simon WEHRLE & Martine GRICE: Backchannels in Map Tasks in L1 German, L1 Vietnamese & L2 German